South Eastern Baptist Association (SEBA)

SEBA logo

As a Baptist Church, we are a part of SEBA. 

SEBA is a family of around 150 churches across Kent, Sussex, Surrey, and a small part of North East Hampshire. The churches come in all shapes and sizes and can be found in town centres, housing estates, suburbs, villages, rural and coastal areas. They have churches in some of the richest and poorest communities in the country – some are amongst the oldest Baptist churches in the country, and some have only been around a few years. Despite the diversity what they have in common is the broad Baptist basis of our church life, and the desire to share the good news about Jesus in our local communities.

These churches are divided into smaller "Networks", of which we are part of the Gatwick Network, which is made up of 13 churches in and around the Gatwick area. 

SEBA has many training days and events to help churches with their everyday life as well as encouraging fellowship among the different churches. 

For more information, you can visit the SEBA website