Baptist Home Mission
As part of the Baptist Union, we support Home Mission. It's all about helping Baptist Churches and individuals nationally and in the South East, to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities. It is the Baptist family purse. The money raises funds for:
Grants to local churches. These 200+ grants included church planting, renewing local churches and mission project grants.
Regional Associations (e.g. SEBA), who are engaged in missional development in the area, supporting new initiatives and churches and supporting the on-going work of churches and their ministers and families.
The three specialist teams based in our National Resource Centre in Didcot, Oxfordshire, to resource churches in their work through legal, ministries and missional support.
Each month they have a different Home Mission Focus, where they look at a specific project or church that is supported by Home Mission. To view this month's focus, see their latest video on
the SEBA website.