Horsham Churches Together (HCT)


TRBC is an active member of HCT

HCT is linked to 31 Churches in Horsham and the surrounding villages in the north of Horsham District. The churches in Horsham have a long tradition of coming together, not only to worship, but also to work together on projects which benefit our community. 

Members of the church are involved in various of HCT’s activities, which include:

Anchor LogoAnchor Counselling are a private practice comprising qualified, experience and registered counsellors. Their services are affordable (with the possibility of subsidised sessions for clients eligible for their bursary fund), accessible and appropriate; they offer support to best suit the particular problems you may be experiencing. They provide short term counselling during a temporary personal crisis and/or deeper psychotherapeutic work for longer term help for more complex issues. 
‘When problems threaten to overwhelm, it may be time to seek a helping hand.’

All affs HDAS-21Horsham Community Debt Advisory Service are a team of trained advises who seek to come alongside those in financial difficulty, to provide practical support and free expert advice. 

Oasis pregnancy centreOasis Crisis Pregnancy Service aim to offer support to women facing difficult decisions due to an unplanned or crisis pregnancy, including providing information on all the options available and a calm, confidential environment where a client can explore her options before reaching her own informed decision. 

Horsham matters
Horsham Matters was established by HCT whose aim is to deliver projects that provide practical support to those who are in need in the local area. They are committed to helping those who are unable for whatever reason to help themselves. 

Eco ChurchHorsham Eco-Church encourages and inspires churches on their eco-church journey, to share ideas and find out more about how to be an eco-church.